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Old muni hall ‘jewel’ of Esquimalt Village

Re: Residents send Esquimalt village plan back to the drawing board (, May 19)

Having grown up in Esquimalt and now a frequent visitor, I am aghast to learn of Esquimalt council’s plan to demolish the old Municipal Hall. It is a rare example of a pleasant historic building. And heaven knows, pleasant historic buildings are few and far between on Esquimalt Road.

I would be surprised if the mould issue were anything but a red herring from council to get people to acquiesce to its agenda of destruction. Surely it is not beyond remediation. If it is, it’s due to council’s unaccountable failure to maintain a significant building of interest.

Desjardins says council will be protecting the monuments around the building. How absurd. The building itself is of far greater importance than anything around it. The disgusting later wing grafted onto its right should be removed of course.

By all means, crown Esquimalt with a village centre if one is desired, but don’t throw away its jewel. Integrate this piece of heritage into the plan.

Our built heritage is extremely important. It must be preserved and integrated into new planning and construction, not discarded out of hand.

Frederick Driver


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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