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PENINSULA LETTERS: Get on the trolley

I have read with interest articles in the PNR over the last few weeks from the many groups dedicated to the revitalization of Sidney

I have read with interest articles in the PNR over the last few weeks from the many groups dedicated to the revitalization of downtown Sidney. I was particularly interested in finding out what plans were being considered to improve the impossible parking problem in Sidney.

I did not find any mention on that subject. There was mention of rerouting the traffic flow, putting in roundabouts, sidewalks, crosswalk improvements, a welcoming gateway to Sidney but nothing addressing the problem of where do they park when they do come to Sidney.

If one is lucky enough to find a spot, there is the problem of walking to where they want to go — especially difficult for those with mobility problems. I had a friend come to shop in Sidney. She finally found a spot on one of the side streets. After shopping she spent over an hour trying to find her car. When she did find it she also found a parking ticket.

Needless to say she will not come back to Sidney to shop.

Once again I would like to encourage the mayor, his task force, BIA with their $265,000 budget, Chamber of Commerce, and any of the other organizations dedicated to saving Sidney to consider a trolley. Not only would it help ease the parking situation but would certainly be a delightful tourist attraction.

If you agree with me do let the council know how you feel.

Louise Worrall




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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