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Pensioners suffering in taxation turmoil

Low-income seniors can't stomach B.C. tax situation

Enough is enough.

Stop taking the money right out of our pockets. You want to reduce carbon? Start by closing all the coal plants and force gas companies to stop using carbon in their gas and oil products. None of this three years garbage, do it now!

It’s the same as the HST. We were not consulted it was just rammed down our throats. All the promises from the HST system were lies, so the people thought it might be better. Well, let me tell you, as a person on PWD (disability benefits), I really got shafted. We ended up paying more tax, the B.C. $75 tax credit was discontinued and our GST/HST refunds were reduced by one-quarter to one-third.

We have not had a cost of living increase in our benefits in more than five years.

I see this carbon tax as just another money grab that will further deplete low-income people’s ability to survive. We live on $10,300 gross per year. Will anyone in the government take a salary cut? I don’t think so. Just try to live on $890 a month and see if you can do it.

Ron Mason


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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