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Please look to your right for a better way to commute

The next time you are sitting in a hot, sweaty and frustratingly slow traffic jam ask yourself: “Why am I doing this to myself?”

Dear single occupancy vehicle Colwood Crawlers:

The next time you are sitting in a hot, sweaty and frustratingly slow traffic jam (likely tomorrow and the day after) ask yourself: “Why am I doing this to myself?”

Remember you are not stuck in traffic – you are traffic. Please know there is a better way.

If you are commuting into Victoria, just look left (or right when going home) onto the Galloping Goose and see a wildly different commuting experience. I’ll wave at you from my bicycle, with a big smile on my face.

Yes we cyclists smile while commuting. We have no concept of traffic jams. We sail along gleefully uninhibited. We’ll probably beat you to your destination during rush hour, even riding at a leisurely pace.

Not only that, we’ll do it way cheaper, we’ll get a great workout, we’ll have more fun and we’ll arrive in a way better mood.

It really is better over here. Come and join us, we honestly want you to. Before you know it you will understand that riding to work, even in winter, just involves a mindset change. You’ll look over and wonder how you ever did that to yourself.

As Darth Vader famously said: “It’s your destiny.”

Tony Webster


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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