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Police should ticket more for non-speed related driving infractions

Victoria intersections ripe for bad driving habits, reader writes
Reader writes that police should pay more attention to driving infractions other than speeding to change drivers’ behaviour on the roads. Dawn Gibson/Victoria News

This is a call to action for all Victoria and surrounding area police.

Our roads are extremely dangerous right now. Many drivers are not abiding by the rules of the road and are putting the lives of other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians in danger. Road rage incidents are only going to continue and get worse.

On a daily basis, I see people running red lights, turning into the wrong lane, turning across double yellow lines, stopping to let out passengers whenever they see fit, not indicating, the list continues.

Where are the police? Why are they not out there keeping our roads safe by handing out driving infractions?

It is called a natural consequence. If you run a red light, you get a substantial ticket and next time you may think twice about running that light.

Perhaps rather than hiding behind bus shelters or bushes to catch speeders the police could instead be stationed at intersections, using their eyeballs and handing out multiple driving infraction tickets.

Leslie Mackey


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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