Re: Time to enrich poverty debate (B.C. Views, March 9)
Tom Fletcher uses a Liberal MLA who wrote a paper on child poverty in West Vancouver as his source for disputing the magnitude of poverty in B.C.
There are several definitions of poverty, but regardless of the one chosen, B.C. has a significant number of children living in poverty.
Fletcher criticizes the New Democrats for their demand that the Liberal government produce an anti-poverty plan.
Yet seven other Canadian provinces have adopted provincial anti-poverty strategies along the lines recommended by the NDP.
Those jurisdictions have selected a definition and then set related measurable targets.
Camosun College is being forced by provincial funding cuts to gut its adult basic education offerings for the most undereducated and poorest in our communities.
Yet this basic education would enable students to move from poverty to active participation in our economic and community life.
Given political will, B.C. could substantially reduce poverty and join other Canadians in molding a more just society.
Ron Faris