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Politicians should take serious oath

Are we, the people, expected to punish wrongdoing political bad guys and gals only by voting them out of office?

Are we, the people, expected to punish wrongdoing political bad guys and gals only by voting them out of office? And how could we do that if they are Senators or a retired Prime Minister?

Brian Mulroney for example, in spite of his moral and other transgressions, has suffered not at all in any noticeable way. Unbelievably he is still classified as honourable.

There has been much news lately about Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin and their abuse of privileges. Let’s face it, their claims appear to be less than honest, but I predict Prime Minister Harper will do nothing, letting time pass and the issues as well.

As there is not a meaningful oath taken by our politicians, only a promise to be loyal to the Crown, this must be changed.

Politicians must pledge to be honest and resign when proven dishonest.

Even my Boy Scout oath was much more meaningful than the oath taken by our politicians.

MP Elizabeth May is proving to be a powerful political force, but both we and she need many more honest, dedicated people of democratic principles in our governing bodies.

More than ever we need a leader of the people for the people, not a leader in it for selfish personal power or being a lobbyist for corporate greed.

True democracy can only be achieved when people have referendums designed to know their desires and expectations.                

D.R. Mills




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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