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Profit sharing the answer to gov’t overspending

HST, King Louis XIV, B.C., seniors, taxes

Re: Lessons from history apply to HST today (Letters, June 24)

The problem with Louis XIV was, possibly, he plucked one too many feathers from the goose.

There seems to be a disconnect going on between the amount of money spent and taxes.  Everyone is in favour of spending, however they don’t want to pay higher taxes. Unfortunately the two go together.

Higher spending equals higher taxes. Higher wages means more taxes. More military means more taxes. More health care means more taxes. More police officers means more taxes. Higher wages for postal employees equals a higher price of stamps.

In today’s world of globalization, only one type of pay scale makes sense and that is profit sharing.

Profit sharing could be applied to everything. Small businesses, and government as well.

How it would work would be a certain percentage of the government’s income is devoted to each category of spending. Then all the the employees have to get a percentage of the percentage. If this were applied to pensions, then the seniors would start complaining about governments that overspend. It would help society in general.

Also, politicians who like to spend and spend to get elected would not be popular.

Judy Whytock


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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