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Replace lights with roundabouts

Re: Shaking head over traffic light priority (Letters, Nov. 13)

Re: Shaking head over traffic light priority (Letters, Nov. 13)

I agree with Ben Pires about traffic control and lights in Saanich, but the answer does not lie in more and more lights.

Above all there is no need for lights at Glanford and Mann roads.

Traffic lights at intersections should be replaced by roundabouts or traffic circles.

In late October I wrote to the director of Saanich traffic regulations and I have yet to receive a reply.

I suggested that traffic circles reduced congestion and accidents, and recommended that the lights at Wilkinson, Interurban and Hastings be replaced by a roundabout as soon as possible in order to put an end to the intolerable snarls every day on Wilkinson.

Not only do circles keep the traffic flowing smoothly and reduce accidents: they reduce the time of waiting at lights by 62 to 74 per cent, and they effect a massive saving in fuel and pollution of the air.

Jack Dixon





About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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