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Respect for urban wildlife needed on residents’ parts

Deer could be mitigated by careful gardening

As other letter writers have agreed, development, greed, traffic and gardens that grow enticing food are the problem, not deer. The daily increase of vehicles and drivers travelling at excessive speeds is creating a safety problem. The green areas are the gems that draw people to visit and live in this region, people such as myself and my family. Slow down when driving!

As Colin House said (Letters, Sept. 16) England had bears and cougars once. Now we can only see them at the zoo. He is flying back to the U.K. with a different view of Victoria becoming just another city full of development.

Helene Harrison believes that my opinions are useless and silly (Letters, Sept. 16). I don’t think that my opinions, and those of the writers quoted above are any more useless and silly than hers. Imagine a deer entering a children’s store. How dreadful! I’m being facetious of course. If a deer finds itself in a downtown area, they are usually tranquilized and moved.

D. Monks


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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