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Saanich council must address in-house problem

The majority of Saanich council has clearly lost control of what they were elected to do – provide the sound local governmental decisions in accordance with the priorities of those who elected them.
(Black Press Media file photo)

The majority of Saanich council has clearly lost control of what they were elected to do – provide the sound local governmental decisions in accordance with the priorities of those who elected them.

Unfortunately, what we now have is councillors not only recognizing the illegal housing arrangements that became prevalent, but actually voting for their perceived solution: Simply legalize a greater population within the same housing base within Saanich.

What we have achieved in recent years in addition to a form of communal living in homes throughout much of Saanich, is the illegal (and only slightly disguised) conversion of homes with add-on extensions enabling duplexes and even triplexes for the rental market.

The solution to many of these current Saanich housing problems will no doubt be best achieved in conjunction with our next municipal election and replacement of the majority of our present Saanich councillors.

Ron Johnson


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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