These days, on the news, I keep hearing all the parties saying, “This is an election about the economy.”
Hello? That’s what the previous elections were about. Seems to me our elections have been highjacked by the economy – but Canadians keep saying that’s not what it’s about.
What this is really about is life. Life is about life, not money. Money is a tool used in the living of one’s life. What’s living, is people. So what this is all about is people.
Elections are about politics. Once the politics – the policies – are determined, then you turn to your box of tools and decide how best to use those tools to fulfill the goals set out in your policies.
Our so-called political system has abrogated responsibility to the people and has put the cart before the horse. Democracy is for the people and Canadians sense the government is no longer about the people, for it is now just about money.
Canadians, having a proper government dangled enticingly before them and constantly unable to get one, turn obsessively, compulsively, and self-damagingly to elections about the economy.
Dean Helm