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Sooke councillors should consider resigning

Re: Sooke councillors missing up to 30% of council meetings ( News , Oct. 14)

Re: Sooke councillors missing up to 30% of council meetings (News, Oct. 14)

The absentee rate of 30 per cent for one councillor and 24 per cent for another, appears to be another sign of a deep malaise in the Sooke municipality.

Since incorporation in 1999 Sooke has seen seven different CAOs which has not only been disruptive to the providing services but costly to taxpayers. Unfortunately, it’s not the only municipality where councillors have commitment issues - the City of Victoria had Coun. Laurel Collins abandon her position after less than a year in office to run as a member of Parliament.

The budgets and services of municipal government are very important to everyone in the community and deserve the complete attention of those that sit on council. Taxpayers expect elected officials to care about their community all the time.

As there’s no mechanism in local government for the taxpayer to discipline a council - aside from the next municipal election - the two councillors should consider resigning.

Stan Bartlett, past chair

Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Greater Victoria

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