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Sooke should follow Colwood’s lead on park openings

Sooke has few sidewalks or space on the side of roadways to walk, writes reader

I’m curious about something.

We’re told to social distance a minimum of two metres. No one wants to become infected with or transmit COVID-19 to anyone else.

We’ve heard told that it’s beneficial to get outside, go for walks in our neighbourhood, remain active as much as is possible while cognizant of allowing room for others to pass within our space, but then our local parks are closed.

We have very few sidewalks or space on the sides of the roadways to walk.

If there’s a concern with both these issues, why has Sooke not followed the same path as Colwood and kept parks and beaches open but closed the parking lot?

This would allow those of us who live nearby to still make use of the local pathways and beaches while limiting outside car and foot traffic.

Jacqueline Chandler


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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