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Speed signs needed on Craigflower Road

Craigflower Road Esquimalt construction

I am certainly not against reasonably budgeted centennial signage being installed along Craigflower Road. However, I agree that some scrubbing of existing signage would be a smart first move.

More importantly, the issue of speed limit signs on Craigflower Road, between Admirals and Tillicum, needs to be addressed. As of last week, the only sign posted is a 40 km/h sign on Craigflower (heading towards Tillicum Road) just off of Admirals. There is no further signage in either direction along that stretch of Craigflower – confusing for most motorists used to driving 50 km/h along that route.  Perhaps that needs addressing first?

Trisha Thorner


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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