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Spider-Man mantra should apply to affluent CEOs

With great power comes great responsibility

Re: Nothing wrong with rewarding hard workers (Letters, Oct. 21).

This letter writer is entitled to his own opinion and there may be “nothing wrong with rewarding hard workers,” but there is everything wrong in thinking this way and cruising through life totally blind to all the suffering, poverty and injustice to those who do not have wealth and fortune attached to their namesake.

Yes, many people have worked extremely hard for the things they have in life, but there are many people in this world who go hungry every single day, who live with AIDS, whose cars are their homes, or who simply sleep cold on the streets.

A well-known line from the movie Spider-Man is appropriate here: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

And therefore I believe all the hard workers who earn a disgusting amount for the jobs they do every day (some justified, others not) should reach out to those in need, and do good with their affluence.

Spread the love, man, not the greed.

Laura Bates


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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