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Time to curb high spending by politicians

It bothers me to think that the suppliers of these goods and services are blind to the fact that the taxpayer is paying the bills

Re: Dear Politicians: behave (Letters, April 11)

Excellent ideas from letter-writer Monte Shea. However, take it a little further. No more limousines, $16 glasses of orange juice or trips to Disneyland without our permission. The list goes on for the ones who got caught.

It bothers me to think that the suppliers of these goods and services are blind to the fact that the taxpayer is paying the bills, so it doesn’t matter what they charge.

Take the Bev Oda orange juice issue for example. The restaurant serves 25 cents worth of orange juice for $16. How many of your friends and acquaintances have ever had the same thing? None, I’d bet. How many $16 glasses of orange juice do they sell (not counting those on expense accounts)? Same answer. It must be stopped before it gets totally out of control.

Barry Tateham




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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