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What is the CFIA thinking?

Instead of diligently checking to assure us of the safety of imported goods they are instead pursuing “local” producers

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has lost it.

Instead of diligently checking to assure us of the safety of imported goods shipped in from far beyond Canadian borders, they are instead pursuing “local” producers who depend upon the support of consumers to remain in business.

In addition to the province-wide determination, they have added 50 kilometers beyond the provincial borders — how interesting.

Apples from Washington State, fish products from Alaska are now “local”. Maybe soon they will designate anything produced in North America as “local”.

Then there is the caveat that it won’t be enforced — so why change a designation that we all know and understand?

Thank heavens for farmer’s markets. We know and respect Saltspring lamb, maybe soon it will be Central Saanich carrots. Anything to let us know we are supporting the local producer which seems to have escaped the minds of Ottawa bureaucrats.

Marjorie Denroche

North Saanich



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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