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Lego competition trains young engineers on helping seniors

Lego competition trains young engineers on helping seniors

Almost 200 elementary and middle school students and 13 teams from across Greater Victoria gathered at the University of Victoria
Banner year for Operation Snowball

Banner year for Operation Snowball

Cedar Hill middle school fundraises cash, food for charity

Quick turnaround for return of stolen goods

It took less than one hour for Victoria and Saanich police to return stolen property and arrest a man for a break and enter
Weight training shows unusual benefits for stroke victims

Weight training shows unusual benefits for stroke victims

Research at the University of Victoria has demonstrated that weight training by stroke victims can have twice the benefit to their bodies.
Church teams up with Cool Aid to find gifts for homeless

Church teams up with Cool Aid to find gifts for homeless

The Shelbourne Street Church of Christ hopes to give the gift of giving.
Birders prep for Christmas count

Birders prep for Christmas count

Sharp eyes and trained ears are on the lookout for our avian friends.
Geese, deer cut deep into Galey Farms

Geese, deer cut deep into Galey Farms

Largest farm in Saanich cutting back production next season
UVic student awarded coveted Rhodes scholarship

UVic student awarded coveted Rhodes scholarship

The 23-year-old University of Victoria student has paved her way to the University of Oxford in the U.K.
Blood bank, food bank team up

Blood bank, food bank team up

Canadian Blood Services and Food Banks B.C. are hoping their numbers get a shot in the arm this Christmas.
Student’s charity work earns scholarship

Student’s charity work earns scholarship

Logan Graham says suffering from severe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis helped shape his gritty determination.