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Spanish coaching coming for soccer kids

FC Barcelona to teach soccer coaches and kids at PISE

FC Barcelona will be flying coaches from the FCB Escola (FC Barcelona Youth Academy) to Victoria, B.C. for a coaching clinic and a summer youth camp for boys and girls between 6 and 17 years old.

The inaugural FC Barcelona programs will be held at the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE) from July 12th through July 17th, 2015. Certified FC Barcelona coaches will teach FC Barcelona methodologies and strategy to 50 local coaches. The coaching clinic will take place on Sunday July 12th from 10:00 a.m. until 03:00 p.m.

During the one-week youth camp, local athletes will be exposed to the same training that is exclusively taught at the FC Barcelona Academy in Barcelona, Spain. Each training session is limited to 72 athletes and they will be given a training ratio of 10-12 players per coach. There will be three training sessions each day and players will be grouped by age, gender and skill level. There will also be specific sessions for goalkeepers.

After the Victoria camp is completed, the top two players who also best exemplify FC Barcelona’s values (respect, tolerance, fair play and effort) will be awarded with one week of training at the FCB Escola in Barcelona.

The camp is hosted by BCN Sports in collaboration with the Lower island Soccer Association (LISA). BCN Sports is the official partner of FC Barcelona in Canada and has organized 17 FC Barcelona programs in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver for nearly 2,000 athletes and coaches.

For more information regarding the FC Barcelona Canada programs, please contact or visit




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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