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Terrace man to bring ValhallaFest art installation to Burning Man

ValhallaFest organizer and ICU nurse seeking community support through a GoFundMe campaign

A piece of Terrace and its popular ValhallaFest music festival is on its way to Black Rock City, Nevada, for the annual Burning Man event.

ValhallaFest organizer and ICU nurse at Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace, Jordie Laidlaw, is on the 2,500-kilometre trek to transport Ignus, a 10.5-foot tall sunflower sculpture made of steel and aluminum, to Burning Man later in August.

The voyage starts Aug. 20 and involves several Terrace residents, effectively creating a miniature Terrace community within the festival at the Nevada desert.

Laidlaw, together with a team that includes Nisga’a artist Zachary Canuel, conceived Ignus amid the trying days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Laidlaw attributes his inspiration to the moving experiences he had while serving in the ICU during the crisis.

Comprising fire and steel, Ignus tells the story of a sunflower’s life cycle, beckoning individuals to gather under its upturned flames, building new connections, and invoking a profound connection to fire.

Though they have a Burning Man grant, the expedition is still short of money for fuel, travel, food, solar batteries, lighting, replacement equipment, and propane.

READ MORE: Terrace’s ValhallaFest celebrates 5th year with record attendance

The trek from Terrace to Burning Man, taking three days, will involve a convoy. Laidlaw enthusiastically proclaimed, “We’re going to set up and set it aflame and run it each night.”

A veteran of Burning Man with five visits, Laidlaw said the large-scale art pieces at the event influenced his artistic view.

His spouse, Erinn McPherson, was instrumental in designing Ignus’s intricate petal patterns, which portray the sunflower’s life stages from bloom to decay.

Laidlaw recalled presenting an Ignus prototype at Burning Man last year and illuminated the arduous winter days in Terrace as he found comfort in metalwork following intensive ICU shifts, often guided by Canuel.

“It was on the advice of a therapist that I find something that gets me out of the cycle and spiral I was in,” he said.

He further explained that immersing himself in metal art, particularly welding, served as a therapeutic sanctuary.

Laidlaw’s mission with this expedition is to symbolize a fragment of Terrace’s community spirit in the expansive desert of Black Rock City, fusing various cultures through the art form.

Laidlaw has further information on a GoFundMe page.

A close-up view of Ignus’ inverted flames, artistically crafted by Jordie Laidlaw and his team. The flames tell the sunflower’s life story through fire and steel, inviting onlookers to gather and kindle connections under its warm glow. This Terrace creation is set to be a centrepiece at the 2023 Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Nevada. (Vilk Studios photo)
A look at Ignus’s intricate inverted flames, crafted with precision to evoke deep-rooted human connections and the mesmerizing allure of fire. This steel sunflower installation by Jordie Laidlaw represents the fusion of life’s fragility and enduring strength. (Vilk Studios photo)
Jordie Laidlaw and his wife Erinn McPherson, key creators behind the steel sunflower art installation, Ignus, gaze into its glowing inverted flames. Their shared vision and collaboration have brought to life a symbol that narrates the lifecycle of a sunflower through fire and steel, reflecting both the fragility and strength of existence. (Vilk Studios photo)
Erinn McPherson, wife of artist Jordie Laidlaw, reaches towards the sky, her hand illuminated by the mesmerizing glare of Ignus’s flames. Her contribution to the design of Ignus’s petals played an essential role in bringing the steel sunflower’s lifecycle story to life, adding a touch of grace to a symbol of resilience and connection. (Vilk Studios photo)
Ignus, the steel sunflower art installation, poised amid the dusty expanse of Burning Man in 2022, awaits its fiery transformation. Created by Terrace artist Jordie Laidlaw and his team, Ignus’s elegant structure stands as a testament to connection and resilience. (Kevin LeVezu photo)