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Tubthumping: Bears stay cool at BC Wildlife Park

Two grizzles play in a tub at the wildfire park in Kamloops
Bears play in a tub. (BC Wildlife Park)

Splish, splash two bears were taking a bath long upon a Thursday afternoon at the BC Wildlife in Kamloops.

The two grizzlies kept cool from the summer heat in a bathtub filled with water that had been donated by Surplus Herby’s.

In a post to Instagram, a bear can be seen cautiously walking out of the denning area towards the bathtub, but then wastes no time dumping the tub over and batting it around as if it were a toy.

Another bear got right in the tub, ’thinking everything was alright’.

Zookeepers at the wildlife park have been coming up with interesting ways to keep animals hydrated and cool during the heatwave that has dominated much of the province.

Back on June 24, the grizzlies were treated to bear-sized popsicles made of fruit and wildflowers.

However, popsicles aren’t for everyone, zookeepers noted, owls prefer a light misting, while the bison want a full spray down from a hose. Balu the turkey, enjoys shade under an umbrella and the elks are provided with a pond to splash in.

Check out the BC Wildlife Park’s Instagram for more cute fun.

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Jen Zielinski

About the Author: Jen Zielinski

I am a broadcast journalism graduate from BCIT and hold a bachelor of arts degree in political science and sociology from Thompson Rivers University. I enjoy volunteering with local organizations, such as the Okanagan Humane Society.
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