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POLL: Do you have snow tires on your vehicle?

Those hoping for a bit longer reprieve from the winter weather that is gripping the rest of the country may be out of luck. Snow fell on the Malahat Tuesday morning and overnight temperatures are expected to hover around the freezing mark across Greater Victoria.

Those hoping for a bit longer reprieve from the winter weather that is gripping the rest of the country may be out of luck. Snow fell on the Malahat Tuesday morning and overnight temperatures are expected to hover around the freezing mark across Greater Victoria.

ALSO READ: Snow covers Malahat early Tuesday morning

And anyone who has spent a winter or two in Victoria knows that it only takes a dusting of snow to turn the roads into traffic chaos.

Winter driving has a marked effect on road safety, the number of fatal crashes on average doubles in B.C. in December (246 crashes) when compared to October (123), according to a study published by University of B.C. last year.

Winter tire regulations came into effect on Oct. 1 and will remain in effect until April 30 for mountain passes and some rural highways. Failing to have the proper tires can result in a $109 fine.

ALSO READ: Take a look at your tires; Winter driving regulations in effect

Are you ready for winter, and is your vehicle equipped with snow tires? Take our poll and let us know.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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