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POLL: Have you taken up a new hobby or project during the COVID-19 outbreak?

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes to our everyday lives. The way we work has changed, the way we eat has changed, even a simple walk in the park is a little less simple these days.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes to our everyday lives. The way we work has changed, the way we eat has changed, even a simple walk in the park is a little less simple these days.

And with restrictions on so many of our previous activities, many of us are looking for other ways to fill our days. Puzzle and book sales have skyrocketed, more and more are tuning into services such as Netflix, and news sites such as Black Press Media have seen a dramatic increase in traffic. Some of us are even taking up new hobbies or re-engaging in activities we haven’t tried in years.

ALSO READ: COVID-19: Managing your mental health from isolation

The Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions recommends taking time for self-care activities such as cooking nutritious meals, stretching, meditating, exercising when you’re able to and getting lots of sleep. Read the book you’ve been meaning to start but never had the time to, get caught up on podcasts, start your spring cleaning and take time to relax or try a new hobby.

Have you taken up a new hobby or project? Take our poll and let us know.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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