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READER POLL: Do you support electing representatives to the B.C. Legislature through proportional representation?

Cast your vote to answer the latest Victoria News web poll question
B.C. Attorney General David Eby (left) and Premier John Horgan revealed the choices available in this fall’s referendum on proportional representation in June. Photo: Courtesy Government of B.C.

The idea of proportional representation has risen again, with the BC NDP government promising to hold a referendum this fall on the issue to determine whether the majority of voters truly want to move to such a system.

We’re interested in hearing how you feel about this issue. Cast your ballot in our latest reader’s web poll, then check back to find out what others are saying. We also encourage voters to expand on their vote by commenting on our Facebook page about the topic.

To see how people voted in the previous web poll, go online here and click on View Results.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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