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Better Business Bureau launches ethics program

In Pursuit of Ethics is an accredited ethics training seminar aimed at businesses, consumers, service clubs and high school students

The Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island is launching an ethics program aimed at businesses, consumers, service clubs and high school students this spring.

In Pursuit of Ethics is an accredited ethics training seminar created by the Toledo Better Business Bureau in Ohio.

“Ethics is a very, very tricky subject,” said Rosalind Scott, president of the Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island and who undertook the training last year.

“It’s not black and white.”

The program is broken up into six modules focusing on ethics in banking, insurance, auto repair, remodeling, retail, education and bullying.

“[The program] is not specific to any age group because ethics is something we all really need to have and to practice,” Scott said,

She said this is the type of programming the BBB delivers: education, helping people to become better at promoting ethics in business and in general.

Scott has already delivered the first seminar in Vancouver and hopes to launch a bigger campaign on the Island this spring.

For more information, please call 250-386-6348.

Meantime, Better Business Bureau has made comprehensive changes to its cornerstone product, the BBB Code of Advertising, to reflect the many new ways advertisers reach consumers via websites, social media, texting and other channels. Every business that advertises in North America is expected to follow BBB’s Code, and compliance is monitored by 112 BBB offices in the U.S. and Canada.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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