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Driveway: Reviews for BMW's Gran Coupe, Mitsubishi Outlander, Fiat 500

Editor Keith Morgan takes the M6 for a cruise through Primrose Hill, one of London's several most lavish neighbourhoods.
A BMW M6 Gran Coupe

This week in Driveway, editor Keith Morgan takes a BMW M6 Gran Coupe for a spin around Primrose Hill, one of London's most lavish neighbourhoods:

Rollers, Bentleys and Lambos are as plentiful as shopping carts at the local Morrisons supermarket in this exclusive and expensive residential area of the old country's capital city.

The posh wheels in which I tooled around Primrose Hill for a week was not to be found anywhere but the drive of my temporary city home, blocks away from where the late, great Amy Winehouse spent her final sad days. The 2016 BMW M6 Gran Coupe, priced here at a base price of $129,000, distracted well-dressed locals from their window-shopping. Some shed the coolness and stroked the 'bonnet' of the machine, which conceals the massive 4.4-litre M turbocharged, 560 horsepower, V8 engine. It's sporty looks, racy carbon fibre roof and large air intakes had signalled to them its power.

Read the full story – 'A Grand Coup: Powerfully Posh Wheels For Cruising Primrose Hill' – on Driveway Canada.


BMW M6 Gran Coupe

BMW M6 Gran Coupe


Also on Driveway right now...

Zack Spencer reviews Mitsubishi's new Outlander, while on assignment in Whistler:

Mitsubishi hopes this model, along with the other improvements to the vehicles refinement will win new buyers over. The Outlander competes with a vast field of small utility vehicle but the 7-passenger V6 offer is what sets it apart; that and the impressive 10-year warranty.

Read Zack's full story here – 'Car Review: Aggressive Outlander Bucks the Power Trend'

Mitsubishi Outlander

Mitsubishi Outlander


Alexandra Straub goes for a stylish spin in Fiat's new 500, an espresso-sized Italian superstar that's been a popular pint-sized offering since the company arrived in North America a few years ago.

I love its competency in corners. It handles much like a decked out go-kart but doesn't give you same kinds of aches and pains.

I guess it's no surprise why fellow Fiat 500 drivers wave at others. They're excited about their car and want to share the love.

Read Alexandra's full story here – Car Review: Catching the Wave in a Fiat 500

Fiat 500

Fiat 500