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Victoria News celebrates Women in Business

Victoria News chats with Milestone Woman Grace Van den Brink president of The Union Club of British Columbia.

Victoria News chats with Milestone Woman Grace Van den Brink president of The Union Club of British Columbia.

VN: Which community do you live/work in?

Grace Van den Brink: Victoria.

VN: Any community organizations you’re involved with you’d like to highlight?

GVdB: President of a women’s investment club in Victoria. Established as an educational and discussion forum, members meet monthly and contribute to the club’s successful investment portfolio.

VN: What have you learned as you mature that you’d like to share with a ‘younger you’?

GVdB: Have confidence in your abilities, and don’t hesitate to ask advice from those who inspire you and those you respect. Whether you agree or not, you may be offered perspectives not yet thought of. And above all, pay it forward.

VN: The one thing you’d like to do better?

GVdB: It would be great to run again. I recently laced up the running shoes, and head out semi-regularly with some girlfriends. Turns out there are quite a few times when we walk and talk – maybe not so good for the body, but certainly good for the spirit.

READ MORE: Women in Business

VN: Your guilty pleasure?

GVdB: Billiards and Guinness on a grey mid-December afternoon when I should be Christmas shopping or decorating.

VN: The one thing you’d never be without and why?

GVdB: Books. I continue to be amazed that a few pieces of paper and ink can calm, inform, excite, and take us to new places. We can’t buy happiness, but we can always buy a book — or at the very least visit the library!

VN: What is your proudest achievement?

GVdB: I’m honoured to serve as the first woman president of the Union Club of BC and thank the membership for their support. It’s a true delight to be part of the club’s continued evolution to where today’s board and membership are almost equally women and men.

VN: For what traits would you like to be remembered?

GVdB: A willingness to listen and learn, sense of humour especially if needed in trying times, and hopefully bringing a bit of light into the life of others.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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