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15 Questions: With Vanya McDonell, co-executive director of the Fairfield Gonzales Community Association

15 Questions: With Vanya McDonell, co-executive director of the Fairfield Gonzales Community Association.
Vanya McDonell

1. It's Sunday morning, what are you having for breakfast?

Pancakes and lots of whipped cream.

2.  If you didn't do what you did for a living, what would you be? A dancer or a theoretical physicist. It’s a toss-up.

3. What's playing in your music player right now? Goat.

4. What's your biggest pet peeve?

Whiners. Morning glory. Also, when you’re cooking dinner and you get a piece of rice stuck to the bottom of your sock. It’s the worst.

5. What's the best thing about living in Victoria?

The community — I love the interconnectedness of all the people who call this wonderful place home.

6. What's your favourite movie(s)?

Has to be the Princess Bride. It sounds cliché but I love it every time I see it.

7. Which person, alive or dead, would you have dinner with? Noam Chomsky. I think he is one of our time’s most original thinkers, and would love to hear just a few pearls of wisdom over some spaghetti and a glass of wine.

8. What's your favourite vacation destination?

Any Gulf Island. I have two young kids and we don’t get very far from home these days, but it feels like paradise to me.

9. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Flying. It’s a classic superpower for a reason.

10. What's the one thing you haven't done that you'd love to do?

That’s a long list — but I’d love to hike the North Coast Trail sometime in the near future.

11. If you could see one concert, what would it be?

Alice Coltrane.

12. What is your favourite TV show?

Right now I’m loving Broad City.

13. What's your dream car?

I’m not much of a car person but I wouldn’t say no to a fully decked out camper van.

14. What is your favourite place to dine?

Spinnaker’s is one of my favourites; yummy food, great beer and an incredible view.

15. What are your words to live by?

Fake it till you make it.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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