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April 2017: Violent attack in Estevan puts Oak Bay on edge

New deputy police chief named, happens to be Oak Bay resident

Police urged vigilance after violent attack in the Estevan village area. On April 25 around 7 a.m. police responded to a 9-1-1 call, which police believe came from the woman found in the home on Esplanade, indicating she was attacked by a stranger. The woman suffered injuries from an “edged weapon” police said “may have been a machete.” The file remains under investigation by the Saanich Police.

Grants determined Oak Bay’s top priorities. Oak Bay was awarded $324,958 for the Uplands Combined Sewer Separation Project and $1,150,172 for the completion of the Henderson Water Main Project. The Uplands funding is for design work. The Henderson Water Main Project would provide redundancy for the provision of water to Oak Bay. The district had its portion of the funding, 13 per cent, in reserve.

A pair of Royal Victoria Golf Club caddies, River Bristow and Tim Peacock each earned four-years of tuition and housing funds valued at $150,000 US through the club’s Evans Scholarship Program.

Oak Bay philanthropist and businessman Mel Cooper was awarded the Governors’ Lifetime Achievement Award from the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce.

Resident Ray Bernoties was named Deputy Chief at Oak Bay Police Department.

Bernoties, a 25-year veteran with the RCMP, was most recently chief superintendent and Island District Commander, responsible for the administration and operations of the 23 RCMP detachments on Vancouver Island.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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