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Downtown Victoria lawn bowling club kicks off 101st year

Annual open house kicks off the season April 20 on the historic Crystal Garden Green

Tucked behind Crystal Gardens, the Canadian Pacific Lawn Bowling and Croquet Club marks 101 years of lawn bowling in the city this year.

One of 11 lawn bowling clubs in the region, it original started as the CPR Social and Athletic Club in 1923 as a recreational outlet for employees, said current president Lorne Carnes.

In 1928 programs relocated to Cridge Park where it remains to this day. In the late ’50s the club opened to the public and in recent years added croquet to its greens.

“We’re all a bit different, we serve different communities,” Carnes said of the variety of clubs in Greater Victoria. This downtown site, with limited parking, caters to those living in the core. It’s a source of not only a little exercise, but key socialization for adults of all ages.

They’re about eight years deep into a partnership with Victoria Sport and Social Club a company that offers sport for younger people than the average bowler. It targets the 18 to 40 demographic, bowling Tuesdays in July and August.

“It’s getting the younger demographic out there playing with their peers,” Carnes said.

The CP Lawn Bowling and Croquet Club hosts and attends variety of draws and tournaments throughout the year starting with its annual open house to kick off the season April 20 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Cridge Park on the historic Crystal Garden Green, 720 Belleville St.

All ages and abilities are welcome, with instruction available.

“Of course we’re always looking for new members,” Carnes said with a chuckle. “The object is to get them out on the green as soon as possible.”

Learn more about the club online at

READ ALSO: 115-year-old Victoria lawn bowling club officially adds croquet

Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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