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FAMILY: Balancing business and family/Mom Q & A Dec. 12

Adele Fraser enjoys spending time with her boys, but takes time for herself outside her busy work life
Adele Fraser

Adele Fraser, human resources manager for Heart Pharmacy, strikes a balance between her work at the five-store company, and family time with her two sons.

Q How do you find time for “you” outside of being a “mom”?

A Now that my boys are older, I am able to steal moments away during the ‘busy’ business of being a mom – I run to the gym for a quick workout while they are at soccer or I get some work done in the afternoon while they play with friends. The boys split their time between me and their dad- so when they are with their dad I get more time for all the things I put aside when they are with me. It's a fine balance, but my boys are just as supportive of me, as I am of them, so we make it work.

Q What are you reading right now? What do you read with your sons?

A Right now I am reading We Are Water by Wally Lamb for my bookclub. It’s is a great excuse to get together, once a month, to compare notes on life, love, kids, and work with a wonderful group of friends and encourages me to always have a good book on the go! The boys and I are big fans of Kenneth Oppell. The last book of his that we read was The Boundless. We have also read the Silverwing trilogy.

Q What is your favourite family activity to share together?

A Almost anything that allows us to spend time together.  Playing piano, practicing archery, surfing, fishing, cooking, or watching movies with a roaring fire – my boys are adventurous and like to try it all.  I feel blessed every day that I am their mom and able to join them on many of life’s adventures. Having said that, so many of the special moments we share together are the unexpected ones- when nothing is planned and it's just being together without an agenda and experiencing life unfolding organically.

Q The part of your day you look forward to the most?

A The one I find the most satisfying is when I am just about to head to bed and I sneak in to my boys’ bedroom to give them one last goodnight kiss. They are usually asleep and warm in their beds and smell of little boy things when I get in close. To be at the end of one more day of spending time with and caring for my kids, taking a moment to enjoy the stillness and security of their peaceful sleep, for me, those are the ‘heart’ moments that make life rich and full.

About the Author: Staff Writer

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