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Oaklands plans 50 garage sales

The Victoria neighborhood is opening its doors to sell everything from plants to house wares

Oaklands is garage sale headquarters this Saturday (May 10), with more than 50 garage sales planned.

The Victoria neighborhood is opening its doors to sell everything from plants to house wares – and everything in between.

“This event is something the neighbourhood has really picked up and ran with,” said Kristi Rivait Oaklands Community Centre’s executive director. ”We have had an overwhelmingly positive response from community members and local businesses. People have been getting creative with the idea, we even have a kids' joke stand signed up."

Fiddlesticks Studio of Fine Arts for Young Children will be hosting free children’s music and art activities at its open house; Island Breastrokers Dragon Boat team of breast cancer survivors and Victoria School for the Ideal Education will having be their giant annual garage sales too.

Check out to see an updated map.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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