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PEOPLE 'N PLACES: D-Day honours, accountant A-team, HarbourCats off-field players

Victoria adventurers announce another child on the way

D-DAY HONOURS ... This town’s Albert Minnings was one of six B.C. veterans presented with the Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur, France’s highest honour, by Consul General of France M. Jean-Christophe Fleury in Vancouver last week.

The award was in recognition of the 70th anniversary of D-Day. June 6 marks 70 years since Allied troops landed along 80 kilometres of beaches in Normandy, France in 1944.


BEAN COUNTERS GRADUATE ... Twenty-three Victoria chartered accountant students graduated from the CA qualification program at a ceremony in Vancouver recently.

They include: Emily Carwithen, Bradley Aitken, Jonathan Arslan, Dana Behie, Darren Brown, Carter Chomyn, Scott Collins, Amy Cox, Ashley Finch-Field, Charlotte Foster, Richard Games, Savanna Gibbon, Benjamin Graham, David Lee-Bonar, Roderick Linquist, Courtney Linge, James Martin, Regan McGrath, Adam Parkes, Kevin Rogers, Paul Sharpe, Mark Vinnish and Michael Williams.


PLAY BALL! ... There’s a lot more to putting a baseball team on the field than just players.

Just ask Victoria HarbourCats GM Jim Swanson, who announced his off-field team last week.

They include: Karen Russell, host family co-ordinator; Brad Norris-Jones, marketing director; Nicole Post, ticketing manager; Dave Westgeest, baseball operations co-ordinator; Carolyn Birch, on-field promotions; Curtis Hawkins, head athletic therapist; Jordan Smith, broadcaster; Quinn Keeler, community relations; Jake Warren, video co-ordinator; Jason King, video operator; Brittany French, youth programs co-ordinator; David Marshall, music; Jamie Weiss and Matt Soper, PA announcers; and Gary Belleville and Ryan Szatmary, official scorers.


ANOTHER ON THE WAY … Local adventurers and authors Julie and Colin Angus are preparing for their second child. The baby is expected sometime this month, just as Julie launches her new book Olive Odyssey.

“Our adventures have, in many ways, prepped us for parenthood, although I still haven’t decided which is tougher,” writes Julie on her website.

“When you row across an ocean, the hard work ends when you reach shore, With parenthood the adventure never ends, it just changes and grows until you have a 40-year-old living in the basement.”


Do you have an item for the People ’n Places column? Contact Kevin Laird by email at or phone 250-480-3265.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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