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Sock hop dancing for food bank

Food Bank at St. John the Divine volunteers are putting on their dancing shoes

Food Bank at St. John the Divine volunteers are putting on their dancing shoes, and hoping you will too.

The food bank is hosting its annual sock hop on May 9, which includes a live auction, silent auction and 50/50 draws. All proceeds from the event support the church’s food bank.

The Food Bank at St. John the Divine is multi-denominational, and those is need are never turned away, said coordinator Peggy Wilmot.

Victoria is the highest city in Canada where food banks are run by faith-based groups.

“If people need a food bank, the only place they can go is to a church (in Victoria),” Wilmot said, adding the Mustard Seed, St. Vincent de Paul and St. John are the only groups offering food banks in the city.

“All those food banks allow people to come once a month. They don’t get enough food for a whole month from any of the food banks.”

Food Bank at St. John the Divine is dependent entirely on donations. It’s one of the reason events like the sock hop are so important to the continuation of the food bank.

The food bank is open every Tuesday and Friday and last year helped more than 5,000 people. It handed out more than 60,000 food items.

“One of things that distinguishes our food bank from others is we let people choose let people choose their own food items. We don’t give them hampers. It’s a tiny way we can afford them dignity and respect,” Wilmot said.

This year’s sock hop offers up music from the 1950’s and 1960’s, and will feature more than 70 auction items.

Among the live auction items is a bike tour of Victoria with Mayor Lisa Helps, lunch with NDP Leader John Horgan and breakfast with Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen.

Silent auction items range from an original painting by Victoria artist Andy Wooldridge, passes to recreation centres and stage shows.

Tickets are $20 each and available at Frontrunners, Russel Books and the church office. The dance begins at 7 p.m. at the church hall, 1611 Quadra St.



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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