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VOLUNTEER VICTORIA: Love to read to children?

Opportunities are available through these positions at Volunteer Victoria. Please call 250-386-2269.

Want to volunteer? Opportunities are available through these positions at Volunteer Victoria. Please call 250-386-2269 or online at


The READ Society is looking for volunteers who love to read and who enjoy working with children to help young learners build their literacy skills at the Noisy Kids Reading Club, after school at Savoury elementary school.

The Inter-Cultural Association of Victoria seeks youth peer tutor and mentors aged 18 to 22 years to assist newcomers with their homework and to help them feel welcome in Victoria. The homework club meets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from September to June.

The Community Social Planning Council is looking for volunteers for several roles for four hours on Saturday, March 7 at the Esquimalt Money Fair. Learn about money and personal finance for families or individuals living on low to moderate incomes.

The Music for Youth Works Society is looking for fundraising, finance and communications committee members. No previous experience required. The board of directors operates on a working board model and committees meet at least once every three months.

The Better Business Bureau of Vancouver Island seeks a vollunteer with good English language skills and proficiency with MS Office software to help provide office support a couple of days a week.

Silver Threads Service, which operates two senior activity centres, is looking for a treasurer to join the organization’s leadership team.

Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group, which runs food sustainability projects in Fernwood, is looking for volunteers with experience and commitment to help maintain the amazing community garden spaces for a couple of hours each week.

The Land Trust Alliance is looking for a volunteer to coordinate a series of monthly webinars for the Land Trust Alliance of B.C. The volunteer will liaise with speakers, set-up the webinar and undertake evaluations.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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