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15 questions with Aaron Parker, principal of Vic High School

15 questions with Aaron Parker, principal of Vic High School

15 questions with Aaron Parker, principal of Vic High School
Senior creating art for more than 60 years

Senior creating art for more than 60 years

While many people find some type of inspiration or reason for becoming an artist, Henri van Bentum believes art is his destiny.
Students aim to break stereotypes with Faces of Victoria photo project

Students aim to break stereotypes with Faces of Victoria photo project

Growing up, Erin Meiklejohn and Genevieve Kanuel were taught not to talk to strangers.
Show appreciation for your West Shore transit driver March 18

Show appreciation for your West Shore transit driver March 18

BC Transit celebrates international Transit Driver Appreciation Day

Event aims to inspire new level of hope among women

Bridges, Not Walls takes place Saturday, March 25 at the Victoria Conference Centre from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser memorializes Langley’s Scott Trapp, a ‘super kind guy’

Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser memorializes Langley’s Scott Trapp, a ‘super kind guy’

Annual ball hockey tournament at UBC has raised more than $100,000, and counting, for cancer research and eradication initiatives.
Grab your cameras and shoot for the Victoria News

Grab your cameras and shoot for the Victoria News

The Victoria News is running a very special 'Day in the Life of Victoria' feature later this month and we're looking for submissions.
Chief's message: distracted driving and preventing fraud

Chief's message: distracted driving and preventing fraud

Throughout the month of March, VicPD is focused on two issues that have some of the greatest impacts in Victoria and Esquimalt.
WATCH: Victoria Hospitality Awards

WATCH: Victoria Hospitality Awards

Celebrating hospitality across Greater Victoria
15 Questions: With Capt. Steven Waddell, commander of CFB Esquimalt

15 Questions: With Capt. Steven Waddell, commander of CFB Esquimalt

15 Questions: With Capt. Steven Waddell, commander of CFB Esquimalt