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EDITORIAL: Supervised consumption sites must be close to users in Victoria

EDITORIAL: Supervised consumption sites must be close to users in Victoria

Having two facilities within a block of each other makes sense
Shared Canada 150 celebrations simply feel good

Shared Canada 150 celebrations simply feel good

Inclusion of First Nations in events, planning, is an evolution in relationship
Talk is cheap, bridge delays are not in Victoria

Talk is cheap, bridge delays are not in Victoria

City council needs to show leadership on this potentially election-defining issue
New VicPD chief is the right person for the job

New VicPD chief is the right person for the job

Del Manak is a homegrown cop who worked hard to reach the top job in Victoria
Council putting its stamp on city history

Council putting its stamp on city history

Whether you like or hate it, more bike lanes are coming to downtown Victoria.
EDITORIAL: Cycling’s popularity lasts more than a week in Victoria

EDITORIAL: Cycling’s popularity lasts more than a week in Victoria

Bike to Work Week Victoria illustrates the demand for cycling infrastructure
Chief’s message: What should your police force look like?

Chief’s message: What should your police force look like?

By acting Victoria police chief Del Manak
The only wasted vote is a vote not cast

The only wasted vote is a vote not cast

As we head to the polls May 9, there is only one message to pass along: make an educated vote.
How the city is taking action on cannabis dispensaries

How the city is taking action on cannabis dispensaries

Many people wonder why and how the city is regulating, rather than just closing them down
Overdose crisis impacts us all

Overdose crisis impacts us all

It’s a story no journalist ever wants to write, but one that grabs the attention of readers like no other.