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Celebrated pianist to perform at St. Matthias

Transplanted musician Shoko Inoue is living and teaching piano in Oak Bay.

Will skip across municipal border for concert

Pianist Shoko Inoue arrived in Oak Bay via a circuitous route.

Born and raised in Japan, Inoue, 38, studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music and at the University of Montreal.

She’s performed at Carnegie Hall in New York and had recitals in Rome, Florida and Las Vegas.

But this winter she packed up her cat and drove across Canada to Oak Bay – “an adventurous trek across Canada in wintry conditions,” she said.

Inoue has received intensely favourable reviews in the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. “She placed every note just so, only with more shimmer,” the Star’s John Terauds said.

Although she intends to teach from her Oak Bay studio and in students’ homes, Inoue is also performing.

On Friday, Jan. 28 she will be on stage at St. Matthias Anglican Church, performing Beethoven, Chopin and Schumann.

Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. recital are $20, $15 for seniors, available at the door at 600 Richmond St.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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