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Greater Victoria poets spread inspiration with words during public health woes

Poets Caravan videos feature about 40 south Island virtual readings

A pandemic-induced poetry project continues to grow and thrive from its Victoria roots right up Vancouver Island and across the province.

The Poets Caravan, created by Victoria’s Planet Earth Poetry, features nine readings by poets in the Capital Regional District and some 40 on the south Island.

“We wanted to do it geographically so there were poets in all of the different districts,” president Anne Hopkinson said.

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It’s connected to Google Earth with pins showing a spot selected by each poet as a place of inspiration or meaning. Clicking on the pin brings up a video of the poet doing a reading from that location.

Nearing two years, Hopkinson is proud of the the project and its growth and ability to share the love of poetry.

“Poetry tells you a lot about living. There’s everything in poetry from soup to nuts – you get political, lyrical, history, you get wonderful views on other people’s minds and hearts. I’m always surprised about what poetry can contain and what it can witness.”

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This format, with videographer Lorraine Scollan capturing each poet’s unique voice, provides a way for poets to reach a wide audience at a time when in-person reading events aren’t advised for health reasons during the pandemic.

“It’s an archive and it showcases these really top talents. I think it will be very useful to all kinds of people,” she said, adding there’s potential value for educators as well.

For even wider accessibility, the videos and text are available for download by request. Find contact info and caravan videos at

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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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