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LETTER: Budget placing financial strain on Saanich taxpayers

LETTER: Budget placing financial strain on Saanich taxpayers

I am not sure what fanatical financial world the mayor and councillors of Saanich are living in, but it certainly is not my world.
LETTER: Village centre has familiar ring

LETTER: Village centre has familiar ring

I read with interest in your May 20 edition the article that stated that North Saanich needs to create more affordable and diverse housing. The study goes on to suggest that one way to achieve this is by building village areas around transit nodes. Hmm, village centres … now where have I heard that before. Sorry folks, I couldn’t help myself.
LETTER: Oak Bay’s secondary suite survey is flawed

LETTER: Oak Bay’s secondary suite survey is flawed

The District of Oak Bay has published a secondary suite survey requesting input. The quality of the survey is poor and the apparent unsatisfactory oversight of the survey process is disheartening.
LETTER: Fallow deer important to Sidney Island

LETTER: Fallow deer important to Sidney Island

The recent article in the Peninsula News Review on Sidney Island’s fallow deer population had a number of errors. Sidney Island is basically a tree farm of Douglas and grand fir. Uncontrolled deer population before 2005 caused further reduction of biodiversity.
LETTER: Report highlights development-driven agenda for North Saanich

LETTER: Report highlights development-driven agenda for North Saanich

It’s hardly surprising that the Urban Development Institute, a group of developers with a high-minded label, has issued a “report” promoting wholesale construction in North Saanich; “development” is the institute’s middle name.
LETTER: Route changes compromise safety

LETTER: Route changes compromise safety

I use Richardson three to five times a week to travel between James Bay and Oak Bay. When the proposed modifications are completed my new route will take me past Margaret Jenkins Elementary School. I wonder how many others will do the same. No doubt there will be an increase in traffic flow past the school – not good for the children’s safety.
LETTER: Not everyone can ride the bus

LETTER: Not everyone can ride the bus

Welcome to our world Oak Bay. I am a James Bay resident. The comment by your mayor to anyone going to Willows Beach over the long weekend, shows he is just as arrogant towards the elderly and handicapped as our mayor.
LETTER: Move to Sooke well worth it

LETTER: Move to Sooke well worth it

My wife and I moved to Sooke about 19 months ago, and I would just like to say what a delightful experience it has been. So many store clerks have been so friendly and personable. Coming from Saanich, we’re also surprised at how often some driver in traffic will actually wave us in when waiting to exit a store or parking lot. We’re not used to such courtesy.
LETTER: Use of herbicide raises concern

LETTER: Use of herbicide raises concern

We live in the Sandpiper condo on Country Road. On May 15, I walked my dog along Country Road when I saw a man working along the edge of Sooke Elementary School property using a herbicide. I asked him what he was doing, and he replied he was applying Roundup and working for the Sooke School District.
LETTER: Sidney council shows gall questioning VAA warehouse project

LETTER: Sidney council shows gall questioning VAA warehouse project

Re: Sidney calls on airport to improve design of warehouse (News Review, May 13)