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LETTER: Clover Point parking will be missed

LETTER: Clover Point parking will be missed

It seems that Mayor Lisa Helps and council – in their haste to reconfigure Clover Point under Helps’ own words, “change is hard but necessary,” when referring to the loop at Clover Point – have forgotten to mention the 12 parking spots. These spots, which highlighted a fabulous side view of stormy Ross Bay, are already lost at the east side of the entrance road to the loop.
LETTER: Heritage restoration not worth the effort

LETTER: Heritage restoration not worth the effort

The article on rebuilding the mess that remains of Muirhead House does not report who will pay for it, other than wanting a grant from Victoria taxpayers via a heritage hobby group.
LETTER: Colwood daycare putting cart before the horse

LETTER: Colwood daycare putting cart before the horse

Regarding the article in the Feb. 17 issue of the Gazette, “ West Shore daycare strugglers for zoning approval .” This is just an observation regarding Marianne Whittaker DBA Alphabet Zoo Early Learning Centre’s application to rezone their property and her dismissal of due process and apparent need to put the cart before the horse.
LETTER: Words alone don’t serve democracy

LETTER: Words alone don’t serve democracy

Re: Participation the key to strong democracy ( Our View , Feb. 25)
LETTER: Anti-semitism definition lacking

LETTER: Anti-semitism definition lacking

Re: We must identify anti-Semitism and combat it ( Online , Feb. 26)
LETTER: Hidden addresses send driver for a loop

LETTER: Hidden addresses send driver for a loop

As a longtime volunteer driver for The Cancer Society and now for Beacon Services, delivering meals and grocery orders to clients’ homes, I am confounded by the lack of proper identification numbers on houses and building properties. The result is always time lost in searching for the property’s address. Even more important is critical delays for emergency services like ambulance and police.
LETTER: Residents not informed of Speedway meeting

LETTER: Residents not informed of Speedway meeting

The recent article, Proposal on track to rezone Speedway property, stated that “During the meeting there was some opposition from residents.” The reason there was only “some” opposition is that very few people got notices. That was brought up at the meeting by a woman from Haley Rae Place who asked why she didn’t get a notice of the proposed changes. To which Langford replied, “Well, if we sent out notices beyond what we’re required to, how would we know when to stop?”
LETTER: Lost credit card returned while on stroll on Lochside

LETTER: Lost credit card returned while on stroll on Lochside

We had just started our stroll along the beach on Lochside and, unbeknownst to me, my credit card had fallen out of my pocket. A lady witnessed it and tracked us down two blocks later with my credit card. She and her husband went out of their way to find us and we are very appreciative. Thank you.
LETTER: Neighbourhood consultation should be required for developments

LETTER: Neighbourhood consultation should be required for developments

There is a clear theme emerging in the development applications being brought forward in Saanich. Many greatly contravene the scale and form that are allowed or considered reasonable by planning, zoning and other guiding documents, and a dismayingly large number conflict with neighbourhood expectations and values.
LETTER: Attacks don’t excuse Victoria councillor’s decision

LETTER: Attacks don’t excuse Victoria councillor’s decision

My father turns 97 in May. I have not seen him in two years. I may never see him again. He lives in England and I have lived in Canada for 33 years. In the past we have visited every year, more frequently since my mother and his wife of 61 years passed away in 2009.