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LETTER: Lack of parking could drive up congestion around Saanich developments

LETTER: Lack of parking could drive up congestion around Saanich developments

When I lived in Portland, Ore. there was usually room to park for two hours in the metered spaces beside the downtown streets. Portland has a bylaw which states that buildings have to have enough parking stalls within the building to accommodate the people using the building.
LETTER: Leave Clover Point parking alone

LETTER: Leave Clover Point parking alone

Clover Point is well known to be one of the most consistently windy spots in the Capital Region, hence the frequent presence of kiters and paragliders there. In fact, there are times that it is so windy that kiters and paragliders, as well as cyclists and pedestrians, will not even dare to venture down to the water’s edge at Clover Point. And yet, people do enjoy going down to Clover Point on such days, in cars.
LETTER: Development devastating Peninsula’s natural surroundings

LETTER: Development devastating Peninsula’s natural surroundings

I echo Sue Starkey’s comment to “Get developers out of the OCP process in North Saanich.” I previously wrote a letter to our local paper thanking Mayor Finall for listening to residents over the developers who accused Mayor Finall of leaving them “blowing in the wind.” Residents showed up in droves to speak out against the council who ignored residents’ concerns and worry of following what Sidney did to a once affordable senior destination.
LETTER: Keep Clover Point accessible to all

LETTER: Keep Clover Point accessible to all

While a “park” like scenario with limited parking and walking access to Clover Point accompanied by picnic tables and other amenities sounds Utopian and appealing, the realities are different.
LETTER: Clover Point is perfect just that way it is

LETTER: Clover Point is perfect just that way it is

I am writing to express my disagreement with the recommendation that council approve the proposal to close the Clover Point Loop to traffic. I understand this is not currently open for public consultation, a point which I also strongly disagree with. The promise of public consultation at a later date, after the changes have already been made and paid for, also stings quite a bit.
LETTER: Oak Bay police not aware of profiling incident

LETTER: Oak Bay police not aware of profiling incident

I read the l etter to the editor alleging an incident of racial profiling by an Oak Bay Police Department member during an investigation.
LETTER: Retrain workers for the new economy

LETTER: Retrain workers for the new economy

In the 2019 election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to introduce a Just Transition Act, “ensuring that workers have access to the training and support they need to succeed in the new clean economy.” But, he’s barely mentioned it since.
LETTER: It’s time for B.C. to offer free prescription contraception

LETTER: It’s time for B.C. to offer free prescription contraception

In the recent provincial election, the BC NDP included free prescription contraception in their platform. With the provincial budget around the corner, it’s important that Premier Horgan fulfills this pledge.
LETTER: Victoria police handcuffed by lack of funds

LETTER: Victoria police handcuffed by lack of funds

The local business community is suffering through tough times due to the reduced customer base caused by the pandemic. Lately a new challenge has arisen, one of break-ins and theft.
LETTER: Resident faces racial profiling in Oak Bay

LETTER: Resident faces racial profiling in Oak Bay

Being recognized by someone is often an enjoyable experience if it’s an old high school friend, or someone that thinks they’ve seen you on TV. It is less enjoyable when it is the Oak Bay Police accusing you of committing a crime.