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LETTER: Masks restrict the freedom to kill

LETTER: Masks restrict the freedom to kill

Not everyone who contracts COVID-19 gets sick, but some die. If anti-maskers don’t wear a mask, and they spread the virus to someone who dies, what cost will the deceased pay so they can claim their “freedom”? Would they proudly proclaim “My freedom cost someone their very life”?
LETTER: Grateful for police response

LETTER: Grateful for police response

My grandson died of a fentonal overdose just over a month ago. The first resplonders and the police were very respectful and caring (my grandson was a visible minority).
LETTER: Memories of Christmas from long ago

LETTER: Memories of Christmas from long ago

At the end of the Second World War, I was a youngster. My family lived in the country on the outskirts of Sussex in England.
LETTER: Changes to secondary suite zoning would do more harm than good

LETTER: Changes to secondary suite zoning would do more harm than good

What is the real story behind Oak Bay’s basement suite initiative? The article “Secondary suites draft report due in new year” appeared in the Dec. 3 Oak Bay News.
LETTER: Sooke has come and gone with time

LETTER: Sooke has come and gone with time

As our world changes and people struggle to make sense of it all, there is a greater need than ever to have patience with people trying to adapt. As our leaders work to enforce old rules and people find scapegoats in their neighbours, we slowly turn ugly into people we despise.
OPINION: Freighters overstaying welcome, but solutions exist, say Green MPs

OPINION: Freighters overstaying welcome, but solutions exist, say Green MPs

Green Party MPs Elizabeth May and Paul Manly urge political will to address anchorages
CEO: Malahat commute could take two hours in 2038, Island rail part of the solution

CEO: Malahat commute could take two hours in 2038, Island rail part of the solution

LETTER: Island Corridor Foundation CEO Stevenson confident in survey results
LETTER: Employee’s kindness a pleasant surprise

LETTER: Employee’s kindness a pleasant surprise

Recently I’ve had trouble with raccoons getting into my garbage pails. I was unsure what to do and called pest control, who sent one of their employees. He looked at the problem and suggested purchasing a small cupboard-sized box for the pails. He checked his cellphone, found a suitable one and asked me: “Wanna go?”
LETTER: Police target parties over protests

LETTER: Police target parties over protests

I was reading your story online about VicPD breaking up parties and handing out stiff fines.
LETTER: Working from home a new reality

LETTER: Working from home a new reality

The government should leapfrog this pandemic and encourage people to work from home where possible. It’s been well proven during the COVID crisis that people often prefer to work from home and that productivity is even better. It’s not for everyone or every situation but overall people love it and the technology is here now.