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Rejecting pipeline project risks alienating future investors

Rejecting pipeline project risks alienating future investors

Our dependence on fossil fuels not likely going away anytime soon
Pakington the wrong route to take for City bike lane

Pakington the wrong route to take for City bike lane

Absence of bike traffic, existing lack of parking, illustrate why street the wrong choice: reader
LETTERS: Two views of oil pipeline protests

LETTERS: Two views of oil pipeline protests

U.S. and other petroleum-rich countries aren’t cutting production
LETTER: Lowered voting age would engage youth in political process

LETTER: Lowered voting age would engage youth in political process

Saanich high school student supports giving a vote to 16-year-olds
Orcas’ eating habits may lead to their own demise

Orcas’ eating habits may lead to their own demise

Killer whales depending on dwindling chinook salmon stocks, reader writes
LETTER: Harbour seals eating up salmon

LETTER: Harbour seals eating up salmon

Re: No fish zones eyed to save killer whales ( News , Feb. 28)
Editorial on planning process discredits democracy

Editorial on planning process discredits democracy

Victoria neighbours spoke up against inappropriate projects for their areas
Reader notes 175th year of city’s European colonization

Reader notes 175th year of city’s European colonization

2018 marks milestone in Victoria’s history with Hudson’s Bay Company
B.C. mom shares the heartbreak of an addicted child

B.C. mom shares the heartbreak of an addicted child

With every fiber of my being as his mother, I have stood resolutely, phone in hand, and said No, I cannot help you with that.
Letter: Reaffirm Saanich’s UCB before it is too late

Letter: Reaffirm Saanich’s UCB before it is too late

Reaffirm the Urban Containment Boundary before it is too late