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Victoria 2022 bid committee chair offers costs/benefits of hosting Commonwealth Games

Victoria 2022 bid committee chair offers costs/benefits of hosting Commonwealth Games

David Black says there’s never been a better time to leverage government funding for local projects
Time not right for a Games bid for Victoria, tax watchdog says

Time not right for a Games bid for Victoria, tax watchdog says

Stan Bartlett wants more community input before area taxpayers asked to pay for Games
LETTER: Coffee lovers causing congestion

LETTER: Coffee lovers causing congestion

Many of us grumble about how the changes to some of our major routes have brought about increased gridlock (ie: McKenzie west from UVic and Cedar Hill X-Road between Shelbourne and Cedar Hill Road).
Island Health message in editorial makes little sense to News reader

Island Health message in editorial makes little sense to News reader

Victoria News piece seems to condone drug use
LETTER: View Royal mayor says Christie Point decision was the hardest he’s had to make

LETTER: View Royal mayor says Christie Point decision was the hardest he’s had to make

David Screech offers some clarity on council’s process
Renewable energies gaining ground on fossil fuels

Renewable energies gaining ground on fossil fuels

World of electrical power generation is rapidly changing, reader writes
Big trees, like those on Rockland property in Victoria vital to cities

Big trees, like those on Rockland property in Victoria vital to cities

Large trees serve many roles, have climate benefits, reader writes
Canada map mosaic should be planned into Victoria’s Ogden Point redevelopment

Canada map mosaic should be planned into Victoria’s Ogden Point redevelopment

Element would be a great attraction for visitors both local and out-of-town
Eradication of polio near, thanks to Canadian support

Eradication of polio near, thanks to Canadian support

Global initiative playing a major role in reducing incidence of once-rampant disease

Letter: Enforce new Borden cycling connector

The new protected lane at Mckenzie and Borden needs to be enforced for cyclists who still choose to ignore the rules. Plenty still use the pedestrian crosswalk even though they have a dedicated lane.