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LETTER: Unvaccinated shouldn’t be subjected to hatred

LETTER: Unvaccinated shouldn’t be subjected to hatred

In response to the recent letter presenting venomous views on the unvaccinated accessing the health-care system, these words are a good example of the hatred that has been promoted towards the unvaccinated since last summer. Lumping the unvaccinated into a group of uneducated, selfish, anti-vax bullies because of a few people behaving badly at a rally is offensive. I suspect even vaccinated people have behaved badly at rallies before.
LETTER: Residents must weigh in on any reconciliation tax

LETTER: Residents must weigh in on any reconciliation tax

The uproar on coffee row over a proposed municipal reconciliation tax – the latest brainchild of city council in the last months of its mandate – is understandable.
LETTER: Non-vaxxed unfairly targeted

LETTER: Non-vaxxed unfairly targeted

Lately, I have noted a growing effort to destroy those labelled as “anti-vaxxers,” an example being a reader’s letter published in your Jan. 13 issue. I have a theory as to why this is happening.
LETTER: Saanich could use a lesson on climate-change policies

LETTER: Saanich could use a lesson on climate-change policies

Saanich’s six-week workshop on climate change should make council pause to take a look in the mirror and reflect on their own actions, instead of blaming the residents for climate impact, when the district’s own actions and/or lack thereof, are major contributors.
LETTER: Saanich CAO’s severance should be election issue

LETTER: Saanich CAO’s severance should be election issue

Approximately three weeks ago I sent an email to Saanich mayor and council expressing my concern for the lack of transparency related to the dismissal of the CAO and the $580,000 severance package.
LETTER: Armchair Google experts’ opinions not valid medical advice

LETTER: Armchair Google experts’ opinions not valid medical advice

The writer of the letter “Time to heal wounds caused by COVID” (Jan. 6) makes some valid points about how we should treat our fellow citizens. However, he also argues that public health policy that uses persuasion rather than penalty works better and as an example cites Florida as having lower case counts than New Mexico, thereby implying that mandates/penalties don’t work. He goes on to say that British Columbia should follow suit.
LETTER: Public should help shape future of marina site

LETTER: Public should help shape future of marina site

Kudos for identifying a new 30-year lease for the publicly owned Oak Bay marina buildings and lands and the adjacent Spewhung (Turkey Head) lands and waters as an “issue worth keeping an eye on in 2022.”
LETTER: Councillors can fight Quebec bill with their own money

LETTER: Councillors can fight Quebec bill with their own money

Mayor and council have raised my blood pressure yet again. Coun. Sharmarke Dubow should have been humiliated enough when he was not forthcoming about his trip abroad yet he feels the need to further humiliate himself by suggesting the taxpayers of Victoria cough up $50,000 to send off to Quebec to fight Bill 21 to fulfil his own personal agenda.
LETTER: Saanich should enforce snow-removal bylaw

LETTER: Saanich should enforce snow-removal bylaw

When I first moved to Saanich, I was walking my dog on the beach in the summer and was approached by two bylaw officers who proceeded to give me a large fine because walking one’s dog on a beach, which has federal jurisdiction, is somehow punishable and governed by the local municipality. Lesson learned.
LETTER: B.C. taking right approach to COVID

LETTER: B.C. taking right approach to COVID

I read with rising apprehension, concern, and a certain amount of anger, a letter writer’s view of our handling of COVID-19, which they accompanied by misleading numbers and rhetoric. The rhetoric I’m referring to promotes the idea that Florida and Sweden got it right. Nonsense!