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UPDATE: Firefighters quelch kitchen fire at North Saanich school

Fire crews coordinated coverage on the Saanich Peninsula during Deep Cove fire
Deep Cove Elementary in North Saanich. (Black Press Media file photo)

Saanich Peninsula fire crews coordinated to keep the community covered as the North Saanich department battled a school fire Thursday (Feb. 27).

North Saanich firefighters were called to Deep Cove Elementary for a kitchen fire around 2:30 p.m. Staff and students safely evacuated the building.

“Together with our mutual aid partners, Sidney and Central Saanich fire departments as well as (Sidney/North Saanich) RCMP and BC EHS crews were quickly on scene and able to extinguish the fire, contained to the kitchen, before further damage occurred,” the District of North Saanich told the Peninsula News Review.

With North Saanich firefighters busy, cross-coverage of the Saanich Peninsula was handled by Sidney and Central Saanich fire departments.

The fire was deemed accidental.

About the Author: Peninsula News Review Staff

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