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Victoria's Maritime Museum campaign charts course for another 70 years

Float the Boat campaign runs until March 18
The Maritime Museum of BC is looking to raise $25,000 through the Float the Boat campaign for museum operations on their 70th anniversary year.

As they approach their 70th anniversary in April, the Maritime Museum of BC is aiming to raise $25,000 for museum operations with the Float the Boat campaign as they work to set sail towards the next seven decades.

From Feb. 17 to March 18, Each milestone on the way to $25,000 will be marked with a live video filling a saltwater tank with a miniature sailboat with more and more water until it reaches the top, and they reach their goal.

"It’s important that the public knows just how impactful even a small donation is to a non-profit museum like the MMBC,” said board chair Wendy Moreton in a news release. “We’re charting a future in the harbour with The Future of History project, but we can’t take the next steps without you on board.”

In October the museum announced its formal joint working group with the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation with the vision to restore the Steamship Building in Victoria’s harbour.

With a re-imagined maritime museum and floating Lekwungen welcome centre and exhibit space, The Future of History and building tenancy is currently being negotiated with the provincial government, according to the release.

“We’re working on the initiatives and projects now that will put the wind in our sails for a future home in the harbour," noted associate director Donna Livingstone in the release. "From wrapping up years-long archive digitization projects that open up access to 554 linear feet of archives and 35,000 objects, to developing completely unique maritime programming for everyone who wants a little more salt in their life, what makes a difference is always you, our MMBC supporters.”

Funds raised through the campaign will go towards caring for 35,000 objects and 554 linear feet of archives, taking ideas and turning them into an exhibit bridging historical and contemporary maritime topics, and hosting public programs for all ages and curriculum-focused school programs for youth.

To donate, visit

About the Author: Greater Victoria News Staff

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