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Cheque fraud affecting more local businesses

Cheque fraud affecting more local businesses

Chamber of commerce, police hosting town hall meeting on fraud.
James, Fleming, Dean take three Greater Victoria ridings

James, Fleming, Dean take three Greater Victoria ridings

The NDP have won the Victoria-Beacon Hill, Victoria-Swan Lake and Esquimalt-Metchosin ridings in the 41st general election.
Victoria police searching for missing Victoria woman

Victoria police searching for missing Victoria woman

Dallas Macleod was last seen on Thursday, May 4.
Whales coming to Centennial Square

Whales coming to Centennial Square

New pop-up play feature pays tribute to killer whales off the coast of Vancouver Island.
UPDATE with VIDEO: Green Party’s Sonia Furstenau declared winner in battleground Cowichan Valley riding

UPDATE with VIDEO: Green Party’s Sonia Furstenau declared winner in battleground Cowichan Valley riding

Sonia Furstenau was declared the winner at 10:40 p.m.
Senior population, vacant homes growing in Victoria, says StatsCan

Senior population, vacant homes growing in Victoria, says StatsCan

Victoria, Esquimalt sees population growth of 7.2 and 8.9 per cent respectively.
Wondering where to vote today?

Wondering where to vote today?

Tuesday is your last chance to cast a ballot in the 2017 provincial election.
Speech sheds light on raising a minority child in majority society

Speech sheds light on raising a minority child in majority society

Kerice Richards won the district-level competition of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest.
Island’s oldest golfcourse still No. 1

Island’s oldest golfcourse still No. 1

Victoria Golf Club named third best in BC
V2V ferry sets sail between Victoria and Vancouver

V2V ferry sets sail between Victoria and Vancouver

The passenger ferry service will run twice per day between downtown areas of the two major centres.